Aktualności DBA
Spotkaj się z nami na VIII Europejskim Kongresie Mobilności Pracy !
DBA jest partnerem Europejskiego Instytutu Mobilności Pracy (ELMI) podczas kolejnej edycji Europejskiego Kongresu Mobilności Pracy, który odbędzie się w Centrum Kongresowym ICE w Krakowie w dniach 17 i 18 lutego 2025 roku.
To prestiżowe wydarzenie od wielu lat gromadzi polskich...
HLB International wins IAF ‘Network of the Year’ Award
HLB International, the global advisory and accounting network, has won the prestigious ‘Network of the Year’ award at the International Accounting Forum awards, held last night in London. HLB had strong competition from fellow networks, Moore Global, RSM International...
Already the 30th anniversary of the CCIPF
The 30th anniversary of the CCIPF (Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry) was held at the Warsaw Hilton Hotel. The gala, whose guest of honour was the French ambassador to Poland,...
HLB climbs to 8th position in global ranking
HLB International is pleased to announce that it has reached the 8th position in the International Accounting Bulletin’s global ranking.
HLB reports 9% growth and lands top 10 position in global ranking
HLB International is pleased to announce that it has reached the 10th position in the International Accounting Bulletin’s global ranking.
HLB in 8th position in the global network rankings!
HLB now occupies eighth place in the International Accounting Bulletin’s network rankings, thanks to a remarkable 23% increase in revenues over the past year.
The HLB 2024 survey is online !
The 5th HLB survey on business leaders for 2024 is now available online!
HLB’s 3-year strategy
HLB launched Innovative People, Brighter Futures; HLB’s new network strategy with a horizon of 2027.
Better cross-border collaboration for tax solutions
HLB have won the CFI.co – Capital Finance International 2023 global award for Best Cross-Border Collaboration for Tax Solutions!
HLB International wins IAB ‘Network of the Year’ Award
HLB has won the Network of the Year 2022 award at the International Accounting Bulletin Annual Awards
Feedback on the ‘Posting of workers in France’ training course
Agnieszka, Dorota and Sylwia from our great Polish Desk team, accompanied by Marek Benio - Vice President of the European Labour Mobility Institute - led a training session on the posting of Polish workers to France.
👉 The aim? To...
DBA at the HLB European Planning Meeting 2024 in Brussels!
DBA has been represented by Laurent, Antoine, Julie and Cesar at the HLB European Planning Meeting 2024 in Brussels since yesterday. It's an important annual event, and we're always there!
On the programme for these two busy days: the discovery...